Patryk Pawłowski,波兰格丁尼亚的开发者
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Patryk Pawłowski

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Gdynia, Poland
Toptal Member Since
December 24, 2016

Patryk是一位经验丰富的全栈开发人员,擅长所有类型的现代JavaScript实现——从构建后端和api到构建像素完美的web和移动应用程序. 这要归功于他经营自己公司的经验和设计背景, 他是业务团队和产品团队之间的伟大促进者. 帕特里克也喜欢在会议上发言.


React, TypeScript,测试驱动开发(TDD), MUI(材质UI), api...
HTML, CSS, Webflow, JavaScript, UI开发,Figma,登陆页面...
JavaScript,前端,HTML, CSS, Node.js, Bash, Next.js, Web Components...




Preferred Environment

Sass, Git

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2023
  • 集成GPT-4和dall - e2,根据用户输入生成电子邮件模板, 包括图像和HTML/CSS结构.
  • 领导开发前端React应用程序,负责管理营销活动.
  • 领导UI组件库的开发,该组件库在组织中的多个项目中使用.
  • 使用Python和Django开发REST API端点.
Technologies: React, TypeScript,测试驱动开发(TDD), MUI(材质UI), api, Python, Django, GPT, OpenAI GPT-3 API, DALL-E 2, GPT-4, Python 3, Django REST Framework, UI Development, Front-end Development, Algorithms, Docker, CSS-in-JS, Unit Testing, Full-stack, CI/CD Pipelines, SQL, Full-stack Development, Jest, REST APIs, API Integration, REST, Figma, Storybook, Back-end, DevOps, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Jira, HTML, Code Review, Estimations, Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenAI GPT-4 API, Architecture, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, NoSQL, Language Models, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Vector Data, Serverless, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, React Redux, Swagger, TensorFlow, Web Development, Relational Databases, Web Architecture, ChatGPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Webpack, Software Design

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2021
  • 使用Webflow和JavaScript为UFC开发了一个电子邮件登陆页面.
  • 收集用户的电子邮件地址,以换取有关UFC的PDF材料.
  • 将UI设计转换为功能HTML页面.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Webflow, JavaScript, UI开发,Figma,登陆页面, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Estimations, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Serverless, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Web Development, Full-stack, Software Design

JavaScript Developer

2020 - 2021
  • 使用基于Web components API的定制前端框架开发组件和视图.
  • 将用于应用程序构建过程的遗留bash脚本转换为现代JavaScript/Node.js.
  • 在整个组织中传播良好的实践, 在代码被推入一个主分支之前,鼓励使用编译器并加强代码质量.
技术:JavaScript,前端,HTML, CSS, Node.js, Bash, Next.js, Web Components, Algorithms, UI Development, Full-stack Development, Figma, Back-end, DevOps, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Code Review, Estimations, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Software Architecture, Software Engineering, GraphQL, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Test-driven Development (TDD), Web Development, Full-stack, Web Architecture, Software Design

Teaching Assistant

2019 - 2020
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
  • 协助进行交互设计基础课程.
  • 教授前端开发和UI设计的基础知识.
  • 帮助学生将他们的UI设计发展成功能网页.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, ZURB Foundation, University Teaching, UI Design, UX Design, Product Design, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Web Development, Full-stack, Bootstrap 5


2019 - 2020
  • 领导重新设计Power Suite:基于SIL(简单问题语言)脚本语言的Jira软件的自动化插件.
  • 设计并开发了一个界面,使用户无需编写任何代码即可生成SIL脚本, 让他们从第一天起就可以交互式地学习SIL.
  • 重新设计SIL管理器——在线文件浏览器和代码编辑器——包括语法高亮显示, 类似智能感知的自动完成和文档预览, git integration, error checking, drag-and-drop, and more.
  • 创建插图来可视化工作流的关键步骤,并为UI添加个性.
  • 重新设计设置页面的信息架构.
Technologies: Pixel Perfect, Product Design, Git, JavaScript, HTML5, Sass, Web Design, CSS, Front-end, User Experience (UX), HTML, React, UX Design, UI Design, Front-end Development, Algorithms, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, Typography, Graphic Design, GitHub, 面向对象编程(OOP), Full-stack Development, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Jira, Code Review, Estimations, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, React Redux, Test-driven Development (TDD), Web Development, Animation, Full-stack, Web Architecture, Webpack, Software Design, Startups

Senior Back-end Developer

2019 - 2019
  • 使用Node开发CashFlo应用程序的整个后端.js and TypeScript.
  • 使用Vue构建了一个管理仪表板,用于管理用户、税务表单和凭证代码.
  • 集成PayPal API自动支付给用户的钱.
  • 用谷歌Firebase和Bitbucket Pipelines设置CI/CD.
  • 用Express为iOS应用创建了一个REST API端点.js.
Technologies: Pixel Perfect, Git, HTML5, Sass, CSS, Front-end, Vuex, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, Google Cloud, Firebase, Express.js, Node.js, Vue 2, Vue-router, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Algorithms, GitHub, 面向对象编程(OOP), CI/CD Pipelines, Full-stack Development, Jest, Unit Testing, REST APIs, APIs, API Integration, REST, Back-end, DevOps, MongoDB, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Jira, HTML, Estimations, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Architecture, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, NoSQL, Mobile, Serverless, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Test-driven Development (TDD), Swagger, Web Development, Full-stack, Web Architecture, PayPal API, Software Design, Startups

React Native Developer

2019 - 2019
Praemere LLC (via Toptal)
  • 创建可重用的组件,这些组件反映了提供的设计,并成为应用程序的核心.
  • 为应用程序设计了额外的图标,包括天气图标.
  • 重新设计UI,改进部分屏幕的用户体验.
Technologies: Pixel Perfect, Product Design, UI Design, UX Design, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, User Experience (UX), JavaScript, Redux, React, React Native, Redux-Saga, Front-end Development, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, Graphic Design, GitHub, 面向对象编程(OOP), Mobile Development, Expo, Android, iOS, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Jira, Code Review, Estimations, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Mobile, Mobile Applications, Cross-platform, Responsive UI, User Interface (UI), React Redux, Full-stack, Web Architecture, Webpack, Software Design, Startups

Senior Front-end Developer

2017 - 2018
MCH Group
  • 共同领导了PRNCPL的开发:一个专注于管理数据和客户的单页应用程序,为艺术展览量身定制.
  • 重新设计的应用架构:引入命名约定, 管理后端和UI之间数据流的规则, and more.
  • 重构了多个组件,使其更加DRY(不要重复).e.,更可读,干净,并尽可能自动工作.
  • 创建了多个组件,这些组件成为了应用程序的核心.g.、自定义输入、表单构建器、复杂的表格数据查看器等等.
技术:Pixel Perfect, HTML5,前端,Git, Sass, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Vuex, Vue, Socket.IO, Vue-router, Vue 2, Front-end Development, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, GitHub, 面向对象编程(OOP), Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Code Review, Estimations, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Architecture, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Windows, Swagger, Web Development, Animation, Full-stack, MySQL, Web Architecture, SMACSS, Webpack, Software Design, Startups

Senior WordPress Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 使用WooCommerce插件创建了一个电子商务网站.
  • 扩展WooCommerce插件,允许产品租赁.
  • 增加了基于特定租赁参数和购买产品的有条件折扣.
  • 开发网络学习平台,为安全专业人员提供课程.
  • Integrated the Ontraport CRM to serve as a user base and the GoToTraining webinars; also automated the data population with Zapier.
  • 维护之前由软件公司开发的项目.
Technologies: jQuery, Pixel Perfect, HTML5, HTML to WordPress, CSS, Front-end, Agile, Git, Sass, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, WooCommerce, WordPress, Front-end Development, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), GitHub, Bootstrap, 面向对象编程(OOP), SQL, Full-stack Development, REST APIs, APIs, API Integration, REST, Landing Pages, Back-end, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Code Review, Estimations, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Design, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Less, Windows, Web Development, Animation, Full-stack, MySQL, Google API, SendGrid API, Relational Databases, Web Architecture, SMACSS, Bootstrap 5, Software Design, Startups

前端开发者| UI/UX设计师

2013 - 2017
  • 为本地客户设计和开发网站.
  • 领导小型创意团队,包括文案、初级前端开发人员和平面设计师.
  • 作为网络项目的分包商为软件公司和互动机构工作.
  • Converted PSD files to prototypes or fully functional websites; using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, and PHP.
Technologies: jQuery, Pixel Perfect, Product Design, Vue, Vuex, UI Design, UX Design, HTML5, Web Design, Project Management, HTML to WordPress, CSS, Front-end, User Experience (UX), Git, Sass, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, WooCommerce, WordPress, Front-end Development, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, Typography, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Graphic Design, GitHub, Bootstrap, SQL, Full-stack Development, APIs, API Integration, REST, Landing Pages, Back-end, MongoDB, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Code Review, Estimations, Remote Team Leadership, Leadership, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, WordPress Design, WordPress Plugins, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Less, Windows, Web Development, UX Testing, Animation, Full-stack, MySQL, Google API, SendGrid API, Relational Databases, Web Architecture, SMACSS, Heroku, Bootstrap 5, Software Design, Startups

WordPress Developer

2016 - 2016
  • 为一个照顾癌症患者的非政府组织创建了一个大型平台.
  • 负责患者档案、在线支付系统集成、知识库等工作.
  • 将PSD文件转换为功能齐全的HTML5/CSS3 (Sass)项目.
Technologies: jQuery, Pixel Perfect, HTML5, HTML to WordPress, CSS, Front-end, Git, Sass, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, Front-end Development, UI Development, PSD to HTML, Ajax, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), GitHub, Bootstrap, SQL, Full-stack Development, REST APIs, APIs, API Integration, REST, Landing Pages, Back-end, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Agile, Code Review, Estimations, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Responsive UI, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Design, Web UI, Web UX, User Interface (UI), CSS3, Less, Windows, Web Development, Animation, Full-stack, MySQL, Google API, Relational Databases, Web Architecture, SMACSS, Heroku, Bootstrap 5, Software Design, Startups

Children's Spy Agency
Role: Firebase Consultant

儿童间谍机构是一款教孩子(5岁以上)批判性思维的手机应用程序, computer science, 以一种有趣的方式创造.

因为孩子们通常没有自己的电子邮件帐户,可能很难创建和记住强密码, 这款应用有一种不同寻常的用户认证方式. 孩子们用父母的电子邮件地址(或监护人)注册,但使用他们的昵称和表情符号密码登录.


技术:Firebase、Express.js, Node.js, SendGrid, JavaScript

GIM Ostrowo
Role: Designer | Developer

奥斯特罗沃是一个休闲和娱乐中心. 我帮助他们重新定义和重新设计他们的品牌,并开发了一个基于材料设计的网站.

技术:WordPress, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Fundacja ALIVIA
Role: Developer

Fundacja ALIVIA是一个帮助癌症患者的非政府组织. 我参与了他们品牌的重新设计,并帮助他们开发了一个新的网站.

该项目包括建立一个知识共享平台和开发一个类似crm的系统来处理他们的病人档案. 该系统的核心部分是处理和管理与支付网关集成的在线支付(为患者捐款).

技术:WordPress, PHP, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Foundation, Payment Gateway Integration

CQURE Academy
Role: Developer

CQURE Academy是一个面向安全专业人士的博客和在线学习平台. 我开发了他们的网站和在线课程平台.

该项目包括构建一个量身定制的解决方案,该解决方案将与Ontraport的api无缝集成, Zapier, 和GoToTraining,为参与CQURE在线课程的用户提供一个平台.

技术:WordPress, PHP, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, API集成

Stolzen Export


Stolzen是一家厨房家具生产商,决定将其业务扩展到西欧市场. 我帮助他们重新定义和设计他们的品牌,并开发了一个多语言网站.

技术:WordPress, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

Wypożyczalnia Cykliniarek

Role: Developer

Wypożyczalnia Cykliniarek是一家提供地板桑德斯租赁的波兰公司. 他们决定把服务范围从地方扩大到全国. 该项目包括与WooCommerce合作建立一个电子商务网站,并为处理租金和定价评估过程开发量身定制的解决方案.

技术:WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap

一个非官方的谷歌Chrome扩展, 它允许全局放大和缩小像素联合论坛(和重新设计CSS样式以获得更好的可读性(淡化颜色,放大字体).

Firestore Schema Validator
A Node.谷歌Cloud Firestore的优雅对象建模包,灵感来自Mongoose和datalize. 它允许创建数据模式, 在将数据存储到Cloud Firestore之前验证数据, 并在事件发生时触发钩子.


ECMAScript (ES6), CSS3, SCSS, Less, Sass, HTML5, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, TypeScript, EMCAScript 2015, Python, Python 3, Processing, SQL, GraphQL, Bash


Vanilla JS, Next.. js, Bootstrap, ZURB Foundation, Redux, React Native, Express.js, Swagger, MUI (Material UI), Django, Django REST Framework, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Serverless Framework, Responsive Frameworks, Flutter, Unity


REST APIs, React Redux, Moment.js, Vuex, Vue, jQuery, React, Node.js, TensorFlow, Vue 2, P5.js, Context API, Socket.IO, Google Maps API, Google API, Mustache, SendGrid API, Stripe, Redux-Saga, PayPal API, Facebook API, Three.js, Fabric


Vue CLI, Gulp, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Git, GitHub, Jira, Bitbucket, Asana, Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Adobe CC, Canvas, Figma, Bower, NPM, SendGrid, Expo, Webpack, Babel


Responsive, Responsive Layout, Agile, 面向对象编程(OOP), UX Design, UI Design, Design Thinking, Agile Software Development, Scrum, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST, Requirements Analysis, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Cross-platform, SMACSS, Unit Testing, Mobile Development, Serverless Architecture, Web Architecture, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), E2E Testing, Event-driven Architecture, DevOps


WordPress, Windows, Firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS), WooCommerce, Mobile, Webflow, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Docker, Ontraport, Linux, iOS, Android, Blockchain, Azure, Heroku

Industry Expertise



JSON,谷歌Cloud, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB,关系数据库,NoSQL, Cloud Firestore


Serverless, Vue-router, Responsive UI, Responsive Design, Responsive UX Design, Responsive Web Apps, Product Design, DOM, Firebase Cloud Functions, User Experience (UX), Front-end Development, UI Development, Ajax, Typography, Front-end, PSD to HTML, HTML to WordPress, Graphic Design, APIs, WordPress Plugins, Payment Gateways, SVG, Icon Fonts, Back-end, Pixel Perfect, WordPress Design, Web UI, Web UX, Payment APIs, Full-stack, Web Development, Architecture, EMCAScript (ES), Styled-components, Single-page Applications (SPA), User Interface (UI), Design, Web Components, Full-stack Development, API Integration, Storybook, Landing Pages, Code Review, Estimations, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Bootstrap 5, Software Design, Startups, Subscription Processing, Remote Team Leadership, Chrome Extensions, QA Automation, Processing.js, CSS-in-JS, WCAG 2, Accessibility, Web Accessibility, Algorithms, UX Testing, Animation, GPT, OpenAI GPT-3 API, DALL-E 2, CI/CD Pipelines, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Mobile Applications, ChatGPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Leadership, Technical Leadership, GPT-4, Bitcoin, Negotiation, Service Design, University Teaching, Material Design, Language Models, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Vector Data

2019 - 2022


波兰Gdańsk - Gdańsk美术学院

2015 - 2016


西班牙高等艺术学院Castelló - Castelló la Plana

2013 - 2016


波兰-日本信息技术学院- Gdańsk,波兰


青年领袖学院(akaacademia Młodego Lidera)

GFKM | Gdańska Fundacja Kształcenia Menedżerów









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