克里斯蒂娜Barsan, 设计师 in 纽约,纽约,美国
克里斯蒂娜 is 可用 租用
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验证专家  in 设计



克里斯蒂娜 is a digital designer and creative director with over 15 years of experience as a visual thinker, 问题解决者, 经理, 合作者, 科技爱好者. She constantly seeks to help her clients create the ideal brand for their business aligned with their big vision.




2019 - 2020
  • Oversaw all of Aesop's digital creative and managed a team of designers and developers in NY and Melbourne.
  • 设计响应式网页, 改进了他们的电子商务网站的用户体验/UI, 建立了电子邮件活动.
  • Created new content for their 社交媒体 channels to increase user engagement.
  • 选择摄影师, 富于艺术导向的图片, and dealt with retouching in post-production for various campaign/product launches.
  • Art-directed teaser and video content for various events.
  • Took part in A/B testing and QA for their 电子商务 site.
  • 与全球和区域办事处合作, 市场营销, 复制, 发展, 和FA团队制作活动发布.
Technologies: Slack, Zeplin, InVision, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, 网页设计, 品牌, 电子商务


2017 - 2019
  • 与团队合作构思, art-directing, and designing digital and print assets for various healthcare brands under Omnicom group.
  • 设计ed the UI / UX for responsive sites and apps. Also created email campaigns and ad banners for healthcare brands such as Tymlos, AZIO, and Xtandi.
  • Developed the interaction design for various digital components.
  • 设计ed printed 市场营销 materials and worked with retouchers in post-production.
  • Oversaw the 发展 team and conducted quality assurance in post-production.
  • Oversaw animators and social 经理s for various paid ad-media across social channels.
Technologies: Zeplin, InVision, Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, 网页设计, 品牌, 电子商务


2016 - 2017
  • Art-directed and designed websites for clients such as Chobani, DrinkZupa, 和纽约市城市资源研究所.
  • Created 线框图 and the UI / UX for responsive websites.
  • Took part in client presentations and brainstorming sessions.
  • 创建内容策略 and 社交媒体整合 ideas.
  • Oversaw developers and quality assurance of the sites.
技术:草图, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, Shopify, 品牌


2015 - 2016
  • Conceptualized and designed the responsive website and ad banners for 凯伦Neuburger's redesign.
  • 创建线框图、UI / UX和内容策略.
  • Took part in client presentations and created presentation decks.
  • 管理设计师和开发人员.
  • 创建社交媒体帖子和整合想法.
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, 网页设计, Shopify, 电子商务


2015 - 2016
  • 品牌形象的概念化和设计 and responsive website.
  • Took part in brainstorm sessions and created content strategy for the brand.
  • 创建线框图和UI / UX.
  • Art directed photo shoots and dealt with retouching.
  • 设计电子邮件活动.
  • 参与QA和焦点小组.
技术:Squarespace, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, Shopify, 品牌, 电子商务


2015 - 2016
  • Conceptualized, art directed, and designed the print ad campaign for Merck. 还创建了模板和样式指南.
  • Conceptualized and designed print ads and web pages for Vesneo.
  • 为诺华公司的网页进行艺术指导和设计.
  • Took part in image selection and retouching for Galderma 社交媒体 posts.
  • Art directed and designed ads for Intercept and Incyte brands.
  • Worked on UI / UX projects for various healthcare brands such as Novartis and Vesneo.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, 电子商务


2015 - 2015
Laird + Partners
  • 艺术指导和设计为施华洛世奇.com responsive website, email campaigns, 社交媒体整合, and promotional app.
  • Art directed the 360 ad campaign for 莱恩科比. 为广告制作故事板, 环境图形, 响应式网页, 推广应用, 社交媒体整合, 以及与优步等公司的合作.
  • Art directed and designed a pitch for Banana Republic consisting of promotional print pieces, 社交媒体, 电子邮件营销资产.
  • 设计ed a promotional book to promote the summer edition for Jockey's Skimmies Slipshorts Solutionary line.
  • Art directed and collaborated with illustrators for the Jockey book project.
技术:草图, 苹果主题, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, 电子商务


2014 - 2015
  • 品牌形象的概念化和设计.
  • 美术指导和设计MM应用程序.
  • Managed and collaborated with the developers throughout the process.
  • 为应用程序创建线框图和UI / UX.
  • Took part in client presentations and creating presentation decks.
  • 为品牌创建风格指南.
Technologies: InVision, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, 品牌


2013 - 2015
  • Conceptualized and art directed 玉兰油’s new 电子商务 website.
  • 创建内容策略, 线框图, UI / UX, 响应式网页布局, 促销广告, 电子邮件, 以及美国的文体指南, UK, 西班牙, 德国, 和阿拉伯半岛的玉兰油产地.com.
  • 管理设计师和开发人员 on the 玉兰油 project.
  • Took part in client presentations and brainstorming sessions for 玉兰油.com.
  • Took part in image selection and retouching for 玉兰油's website.
  • Dealt and managed the translations for their foreign websites such as 西班牙, 德国, 和阿拉伯半岛.
  • 设计ed and art directed for Kolher's website redesign.
技术:苹果主题, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, 电子商务


2013 - 2013
  • Conceptualized and art directed Coca-Cola Journey’s responsive web, tablet, and mobile site.
  • 创建内容策略, 线框图, UI / UX, 网页和移动布局, 横幅广告, 以及《欧博体育app下载》的风格指南.
  • Art directed and assisted in the design for an iPad app for Lionsgate.
  • Created infographics and several web pages for Danone's website redesign.
  • 设计ed certain sections of Viddiverse which is a "video social network" for kids and teens featuring age-appropriate videos they can like and share with each other.
技术:苹果主题, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In设计, Adobe Photoshop, 网页设计, 电子商务
1997 - 2001

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic 设计 and Advertising




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